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I write poetry inspired by my adventures of navigating my way through the underworld and through the dark night of the soul. I became a sovereign being by learning to work with my sacred sexual energy as an alchemist, and through remembering who I am at my core. My intention with sharing these poems with the world is to stir up a deep remembering of who you are at your core, to remind you that you are not alone, and that you hold all the power within to heal yourself.


These poems reveal my hidden truths of how I began to heal my own trauma and trauma passed down from my ancestors. I did this by healing the masculine and feminine energetic wounds within and by opening up my heart to divine union. I call this series TheAfterGlow!


Spilling Sand

Adding in a mix of Astrology from the Soul, Human Design, as well as developing my psychic abilities and intuition, I have been able to overcome many obstacles and deeply painful experiences in my life.  I truly believe these tools can help anyone get a better understanding of who they are and can help to reveal hidden unconscious parts of the psyche that tend to takeover and rule our lives if we let them. 

These unconscious parts reveal just how much we are conditioned as a society to stay small, to stay limited in our thinking and often leave the majority feeling unworthy of being able to live out their greatest dreams. It is this societal conditioning that tells us we should be more realistic, that we should stay safe, to not take any real risks in life, and that our dreams are meant to stay just that...dreams, make belief and nothing more than unrealistic fantasies. 

The thing is, we think we don't have a choice, that we are meant to live this boring life or one full of endless pain and suffering. One where we always feel like something is missing and continues to remain just beyond our reach. That nagging feeling, that missing piece that feels so elusive, is our soul begging for our attention. It is begging for us to choose ourselves for once, to grow, to expand beyond our preconceived false limitations, to use our imaginations and to take responsibility for being the creator of our own worlds! 


It is our choice to make and ours alone. There is no one else on this Earth that can tell us who we are or what we are fully capable of achieving in this lifetime but ourselves.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world,

stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."


-Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein knew this and now the time has come for all of us to wake up and to realize our full potentials as well! Together, we can choose to use our imaginations to our benefit rather than our detriment. Instead of always imagining the worst, instead of always being at war with one another, instead of choosing to live in a constant state of fear, chaos and separation...




We can choose to use or imaginations to create a better world! 

I ask you to take a moment to look deep within your heart. Not your mind and not your ego where false societal conditioning can easily lead you astray, but to really take the time to quiet the mind and to venture deep within the heart. And then ask yourself the following question...


What is it that will truly matter to you most in the end, when you take that last breath?

Life is short, life is fleeting. It can be over just like that, in the blink of an eye. Make a promise to commit to yourself today! Choose love over fear. Follow your heart. Remember who the hell you are!


Tell me, what's the worst that can happen if you allow your light to shine out into the world?

Go ahead and take that risk. What are you waiting for?!

Everything that is truly meant for you will fall perfectly into alignment after you make the decision to choose yourself, my friend!

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