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The Sun, The Earth, Your Radiance & Purpose

I have been on a quest to find my purpose in life for many years now. The catalyst that appears in ones life that sort of shakes them up and starts them off on their spiritual journey of awakening is often not very pretty. It has to shake you to your core in order to get you to open up your eyes, so yes, it's often tragic. My tragic event was my father dying without reason and without any "known" cause...he was just gone.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a rebel at heart. I always questioned things or challenged ideas that I thought were stupid, that made no sense to me or brought with it any real sense of purpose into this world. When I did this, I found it made others very angry or very uncomfortable or even both. I was taught as most little girls are to look pretty, be pleasant, be respectful, do as I'm told, never question, never challenge and to shut my pretty little mouth. The notion of just sitting back and letting those who were power hungry to exert their control over myself and others for no real reason other than just because they were the ones in charge, to evoke fear in others that led to their compliance or because they were thought of as having a "closer relationship to God" than anyone else could possibly ever have, was always just complete bullshit to me. I knew it intuitively when I was a little girl and it became ever more present as I reached young adulthood.

I may not have always expressed this rebel side of me on the outside, but it was always bubbling up inside waiting for its moment to burst out. I kept this part of me hidden so as to keep the peace and so therefore, "Repression" became my middle name. As I grew older, this repression turned into rage as denying your true self often does to a person! On my quest to find myself, I was led to seek the truth, my truth.

Seeker of the Truth became my new middle name! But you see, as I researched every religion, every concept, psychology, science, the occult...I found that it's all the truth and its all lies and so I was left asking myself, "What is truth really?"

Truth is a paradox...

The human mind does not do well with paradoxes I've learned and so if you are a seeker of the truth like me, you will have to allow yourself to dive deeper, to go past your mind and into your emotional body. Within yourself lies the answer to every truth. Truth is not something the logical mind is capable of, so you must dive deep into your soul, deep into your heart, and ask for help to remember the truth of who YOU are. That is the only real truth. Nothing else really matters in the end because there is no real end anyway.

My truth won't necessarily be yours. My spiritual journey won't necessarily match yours. There may be similarities but the quest to find yourself, to your own awakening will be completely unique to you. That is because we are all designed 100% as different expressions of the Divine. There is no one alive right now that has your exact same energetic blueprint. I can offer you tools and resources that helped me along the way but they are simply just, symbols and metaphors to help you discover your very own keys to unlocking your true human potential into this world.

So who are you really? What is your truth? I dare you to find out!

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