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This Book Changed My Life

This book has changed my life! I sat and cried my eyes out reading The Mind Chronicles especially. The author goes into vivid detail about her very own past life regression therapy sessions that blew my mind because of how similarly they replicated some very confusing and very painful experiences that I have had myself. Hidden trauma has resulted in flashbacks and/or nightmares that have haunted me for years now.

I have felt completely insane at times because a lot of these experiences I had zero memory of happening to me at all. It paralyzed me. Confused me. Enraged me. Shamed me. And ultimately led me to doing some very deep emotional healing and inner work. When we share our stories even if embarrassing or even if they go against mainstream thinking, if it even helps one person, it is so very important to share. It makes us feel like we are not alone, it helps to make sense of some potentially very confusing experiences of how to go about healing hidden trauma, and it shows others that it is possible to make it through to the other side.

I can’t stress enough how much we need to band together, love each other, show compassion to one another and to expose the truth of sexual abuse, violence, rape and the dark rituals practiced that have infected our DNA for thousands of years as we go through this very confusing and stressful time in history. My heart goes out to anyone who may be or who has experienced similar experiences explained in this book. You are not alone and there is hope for us all! ❤

Next up on my Reading list:

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